2014 Board Nominations

October is when the USLGA votes on board members for the next year.  This time around, we need to vote in 5 new board members (to fill existing and new slots).  We’re also looking to fill offices – Treasurer, Secretary, and VP.

Are you interested in shaping the future of USLGA and the US lavender industry?  This is your chance to play a huge role in shaping our future!  Contact Us or email Mary Bergstrom, Cindy Jones, or Anne Davidson by September 8th!

According to the Policies and Procedures of USLGA: The qualifications for seeking elected membership on the board are:

a. Confirmation by the Nominating Committee that a candidate is a member in good standing.
b. Willingness to serve on one or more standing committees of the board. Responsibility and initiative shall be exercised by each committee member in effecting the desired results of the committee’s charge.

Members in good standing who wish to seek office shall notify the Nominating Committee of their intent at least 40 days before the annual meeting so that their names can be put on the ballot.